Thursday, January 10, 2008

URGENT - Opinions Needed

I am going back and forth on whether or not to leave my hair short or grow it back out. Based on the pictures below, please leave me a comment on what you think I should do.


Anonymous said...

Grow it out!

Melanie said...

You look older, more professional with it short, but I understand the back and forth! I do that myself. My hair takes less time to 'fix' when it's longer so I'm growing mine out. I usually end up cutting it during the summer every year because it gets too hot!

Travis & Jeri Tidmore said...

Hmm, it looks cute both ways...but I say grow it out!


mindy said...

Hey Carissa! I don't know if this vote is too late...they're both really cute, but I vote for long, but I have short and it's a lot faster in the the mornings which is really nice, either way looks cute. Sorry about all of your car issues.

Anonymous said...

I say...keep it short! It is SO cute!