Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Fort Lauderdale, Here I Come!!
Tomorrow morning at 6:30, my flight will leave for a place that looks similar to this:

Ok, so there probably won't be mountains in the background, but I am VERY excited about getting to see the Atlantic Ocean for the first time. I've been fortunate enough with my job to visit all sorts of new places, Fort Lauderdale being one of them. My flight arrives at 10:30, allowing me to spend the rest of the day relaxing on the beach. On Thursday, I have a conference and will fly back that night. Even though it's a quick trip, it will be fun just to get away.

On Saturday, I'm getting to see Kenny, Jennifer, and Kennan, as Kennan is turning 2! It's so hard to believe that he's already 2. It seems like just yesterday Jennifer called me to let me know they were ready to have children. Then, not too long after that, I remember receiving the call that they were expecting Kennan. I am so thankful for their friendship and can't wait to spend the afternoon with them. Here's a picture of their precious family. They've got one more on the way too!!

For those of you who have Spring Break this week, I hope you enjoy it!


jennifer said...

Thanks for the shoutout!! Have fun and soak up some sun for us! Can't wait to see you on Saturday!

jennifer said...

I have been trying to reach you!! Call me when you can. I have to work from 3-5 your time today (Tuesday). I wanted to tell you the good news on the phone!