Thursday, January 29, 2009

Dumb Move of the Day

On Tuesday, my low gas indicator dinged. Normally I can travel 60 more miles after I hear the ding. Due to the fact we were closed yesterday because of ice, I hadn't driven anywhere since then. So...I decided to try to make it to work this morning without filling up. As I'm sure you've already guessed, I didn't make it to work. About 1/2 mile from work my car started sputtering and died. Thankfully I was in the right lane and was able to pull over. The only bad thing was that I was at an on-ramp and rush-hour traffic was in full swing. I called my friend Janie and she had a guy from work come get me. He took me to a gas station where I bought a gas can. On the way outside, a man asked if we needed gas. He said he had a full gas-can in the back of his truck. When we told him my car wasn't at the gas station he said he would follow us as long as it wasn't too far away. The very nice man followed us to my car, put gas in it, and stayed until he knew that my car was going to start. I thought that that was such a kind and thoughtful thing to do!

I have only run out of gas 1 other time in my college...when I was broke. I had no excuses today.

Lesson learned.


Anonymous said...

That very nearly happened to me today. I thought I could get home and put Ethan down for a nap but I just had a feeling that I should go ahead and stop for gas. I'm glad I did because I filled up the most I ever have so I must have been really running on fumes!

Amber Rader said...

You just reminded me I'm almost on Empty. I better go fill up asap!

gayle said...

I bet that nice man really enjoyed helping you out. What a blessing!

jennifer said...

Oh no!! You always have the craziest stories! Glad that man was there to help out!

mindy said...

hey carissa! thank you for my valentine's day goodies! it was a fun surprise to come home to. and i just ate waaaay too many sugar babies:) hope you're doing well and keeping your car full of gas. glad you had a sweet helper! happy valentine's day to you!

Christy said...

Hey charissa, I just wanted to check if you ever received the little box of valentine's stuff! I had a little note to send in the box and found it on the kitchen table after I returned from the post office. =)

Happy Valentine's Day!
Christy (Contemplative Mom)