Thursday, July 10, 2008

I can't believe...

It's been well over a month since my last post. I have a lot to catch up on.

About a month ago, my grandma was going to her cardiologist appointment and was involved in a wreck. We don’t know exactly what happened because she apparently blacked out. The police report said she probably stopped at a stop sign, then continued without looking for cross-traffic. As a result, the other car was forced to hit her. Luckily, she didn’t receive a ticket, but she’s been in pretty bad pain. She broke her collar bone, is bruised down the whole left side of her body, sprained her ankle, and broke her pelvis. Home health care is taking care of her and she’s getting better everyday. Here are some pictures of her car.

After 4 years at Walnut Springs, Donny got a new job in Cuero, Texas. I am so happy for him, as he’s going from coaching at a 1A-Six-Man school to a 3A school. He’s going be the head basketball and golf coach, and an assistant football coach. Rebel, Donny’s parents and I all helped him move this weekend. While this is a very exciting move for Donny, we have decided to take a break for at least 6 months. We both want to make sure that we are meant to be married and think that this is the best way to find out. We’ve spent the last 2 years of our 3 ½ year relationship in a long-distance relationship. Before I even think about moving to Cuero, I have to make sure that there is a permanent commitment there from him. The greatest thing about Cuero is their mascot. They are the GOBBLERS! I love it. Check out their mascot!


jennifer said...

YIKES! You said it was is amazing that she wasn't more hurt! And the gobblers...someone was feeling creative the day they picked mascots!!!

gayle said...

You've been tagged on my blog!

(PS - my word verification was wxqswbqm, the longest one I have ever seen!) :)