Miscellaneous...I don't even know where to start and I don't have any pictures to make this interesting. I haven't been able to find my camera for a couple of months now. I haven't looked terribly hard for it, but I do feel lost without it.
In the last couple of weeks I:
- Didn't drink as much water as planned, but have gotten better.
- Transitioned from the business world back to teaching. I love my students, team and school. I am so blessed.
- Have attended many basketball games. North Crowley is in the playoffs and typically wins their games by 20+ points.
- Have made some new friends through school and through Donny's school. One of the advantages of Donny being an English teacher is that he works with a team of mainly females.
- Have found a place to take piano lessons, less than 5 houses away from mine.
- Have had 3 days off of school thanks to Martin Luther King day, a snow day, and President's Day.
- Woke up Friday morning with a horrible sore throat and sinus pressure. I had been tired all week and winded when I walked up the stairs at school. Come to find out I had sinusitis and bronchitis. If you've never been to Trinity
Xpress Med - I highly recommend it. I ended up with two shots and 3 antibiotics.
- Had a hair dryer catch on fire. Literally. I had to throw it across the bathroom to make it stop burning. Needless to say I bought a new one today.
- Kept the books at the Crowley Middle School vs. Summer Creek Championship.
- Had dinner with two great friends and one of their boyfriends.
AND...graded hundreds of papers!
I hope everyone has a GREAT Valentine's Day!!